Starting with clean coffee filters a pair of your favorite scissors (mine are Heidi Grace)and a bottle of watercolor you can create flowers for your scrapbook pages! Follow me as I created them in a few easy steps.Pour a few drops of watercolor into a dish that can be disposed of.

Dilute it with cold tap water. The more water the lighter the color. The mixture will be intense but when the filters are taken out they will not be.

Drop the coffee filters into the mixture and let is set for 10-15 minutes.

You will need to wear gloves and wring them out. If you do not wear gloves your hands may be stained. Do not wrinse these under water. Since they are watercolor then the water will remove the color.
Lay them on several paper towels to dry.

I wrapped them up in the paper towels to drain more of the excess water.

They now look this.

Fold them in half and then in half again.

Take your scissors and remove the tops, but cut away those tops by keeping the shape of the coffee filter. Start folding the coffee filter to resemble flowers.

Here is another flower shape.

Here are several shapes.

Try layering more flowers of different colors to have a complete garden, but do keep in mind that these should not touch your photos unless you have sprayed with an archial safe product.
Have fun!