According to Mandi, Lead Digi Artist there are a few tips for starting out with Digi Scrapbooking. Here they are:
Digital Scrapbooking Tip:
Beginner Digital Scrapbooking 101
There are many ways to digi scrap.. there is no right and no wrong way to do it!
As for programs to use..
Adobe Photo Shop~ Rather expensive.. Around 700.00 for the basic verision and around 1100.00 for the extended version.. Yep.. I know. .Crazy prices! LOL
Then you have
Paint Shop Pro- Alot cheaper.. for 80.00 you can buy the newest version OR for 50.00 you can upgrade if you have an older version.. I have PSP XI and I love it!!
Gimp~ Totally free.. And Just in my opinion.. not quite as good as PSP BUT it does get the job done.
Then there are sites like
www.scrapblog.com Scrapblog has all the embellishments/papers/lettering right on site.. It used to be a totally free site.. now there are some things you do have to pay for.. but it is a quick fix.. and the best part is.. NO downloading!!.. Thats right, you don't have to download anything to your computer!
www.zscrapbook.com - All quick pages that you add your picture too right on site, again No downloading!!
www.scrapease.com~ Another free site. Not as good as scrapblog.. and not too much of a selection either... but if your looking for quick and simple, this is the site for you. No downloadinng from this site either..
If you decide to go with PSP, Adobe or Gimp.. Great!! Now your probably wondering about kits, papers, lettering, embellishments and more right? Well no worries.. On the wonderful world wide web there are TONS and TONS of free digital scrapbooking elements & kits just waiting for you to download them!!
You can try sites like
www.jaelopdesigns.blogspot.com (gorgeous designs by the way)
www.weefaeriering.blogspot.com (More gorgeous kits!!)
Once you found a kit you would like to download, there will be a link usually below the image of the kit you want to download. Click on that link and it should take you to a 4shared account or another site like 4shared. It will ask you to click download .. click and download.. once your done with the download, unzip, open your Photo program you are working with, open up the kit you downloaded, pick what ever paper/elements you want to use and you are good to go.
With most kits you will need to resize the elements.. Once you resize everything you just copy and paste the picture and elements on to the paper you have chosen, arrange the elements, wording, titling and pic how you want and viola!! It is done! You should of created your first masterpiece!!
Now here is a layout created by Mandi using the theme of weddings.

and from Jackie...