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December 28, 2009

Welcome Karin Hall, Pieces and Parts Designer CONTEST CLOSED

Recently I sent some Pieces and Parts to a new friend Karin Hall.
She was the latest player who received goodies to come up with whatever she could with some of my scrapbooking leftovers ") I asked Karin what makes her a Groovy Chick and she had this to say about herself...

Hi, my name is Karin Hall. I'm a second generation native Floridian. I've been creating most of my life and my sister got me hooked on scrapbooking a few years ago. I feel very special for having Groovy Deb have picked me for this pieces parts challenge. I love color - as a matter of fact there's not 1 (ok maybe 1) white wall in my home. My mantra is create peace and harmony - which is probably what makes me a Groovy Chick. I'm the peace maker and lover of life. Just celebrated my "50th" birthday - and can't figure out how it got here so fast! I have a 21 year old very talented artist for my daughter Olivia who is also a Fiskateer her passion is really pottery and mixed media. Thanks for all inspiration you give us Deb ..


Here is what she had to start with...

And, Here is what she created! I guess living in Florida she will have beach pics for this layout soon. Thanks to Karin for playing!!! Go by and say hello to her here:


  1. Lovely Karin! I would so love to do this!

  2. Ok thats me viji#5858 from my husbands account!

  3. Great to have you here Karin, great job with the bits and pieces!

  4. i love the lo karin!! awesome job! jen t.

  5. Great job, Karin. I love the lo.

  6. That is so cute. That is a great way to use the loftovers given to you.

  7. Welcome to the team Karin! Very cute LO you created!

  8. oh what fun that would be putting something together when you have no idea what you're going to get! I think she did a good job.

  9. welcome to Groovy Girls!

  10. Welcome Karin & cool use of the parts & pieces! What a fun idea Deb!


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