How many times did we all hear "If you keep making that face it will stick?" I laugh out loud when I hear that phrase! So, I asked members of the DT what makes them LOL and hear are some of the comments I heard along with some more of their layouts for inspiration in case you have not completed and sent in your Funny Face layout. Oh! I am showing mine today too, hope my face doesn't stick!
Theresa said:
"My grandson Gavin smiles with his whole face and when he turns to the camera and breaks out in that smile, I can't help but laugh out loud. He is just the cutest thing!"
Kristi said:
"I LOL when I hear my daughter use her laugh from her gut. Gets me everytime! ;)"
Guylaine said:
"I would say that I LOL at practically anything humorous. Laughter is good medicine for the heart."
Peg said:
"What makes me? My family, the things I enjoy doing and my want to always learn new things."
Groovy Deb




