Mother's Day is here! How lucky we all are to have our beautiful children in our lives and so some of us here at If It's Groovy would like to share our children with you :)
I have been absolutely blessed to be a mother. It sometimes rattles my mind to think that I have my two beautiful children. I love them and consider them the biggest blessing that God has given me and entrusted me with. Today I celebrate that love and cannot wait to experience each and every moment with my girls. They have taught me patience and even more impatience at times ;), how to embrace everything little and big, to smile even when it is difficult, and to love like I never knew that I could.
They are always the biggest focus of my scrapbooking and today I would like to share a fun picture we took together that I plan to scrapbook for the challenge this month of using a shadow in your layout :)

Please don't forget to take a picture of yourself for your children! Have a wonderfully blessed and rich Mother's Day with your families!!!
Jami Lynn has some really cute pics of her Sweetheart and I thought it was so cute what she had to say about him. Happy Mother's Day Jami Lynn!
"One thing this little Sweetheart and I have in common is wanting to look good before we leave the house. Most mornings I end up fixing his hair for him, but he wanted to help this morning. ; ] We also coordinate on his outfits regularly. He's only six but he can match shirts & shorts & shoes better than his father can most days, lol!"
Let's see what she is talking about huh?

Look at this cool rendition of pics from Darlene and her little dollbaby! Happy Mother's Day Darlene!!!

My daughter is one of the best gifts that God could have ever blessed me with. I wonder why He chose me to be this angels mother? My daughter, Ally, is my entire world. She is sweetest person I've ever met, and I am amazed at how beautiful, smart, and funny she is at her young 3 years of age. How blessed am I to call this girl, that is capable of making all sadness disappear with just a kiss and a hug, my daughter? She brings sunshine into my life everyday. I love my dearest Ally, with all that I have and I always will.
Vanessa has a large family by the standards of today, let's take a look at what she would like to say about being a mom to her children:
Being a mom is the greatest treasure that God has ever blessed me with. I am especially blessed to be a mom of 3 boys and 4 girls. Every day is an adventure. It is sometimes overwhelming to be “mothering” so many different ages at once. My girls are 21, 16, 15, and 3. They cover 3 decades of my life. But… it is so wonderful to grow through these stages. I am “mommy” to my 3 year old… she is my joy and my youth. Every day her hugs and “I love you’s” gives me strength. She is also my reminder that daily, my faith in God must be lived out before my children. Her faith is so pure and innocent… If I tell her God said, or God does… there is no question! My teenage girls are filled with ups and downs. The happiness one day and the “life stinks” the next… reminds me to have grace and patience. It reminds me how my life was so unpredictable, but that God is faithful… and so forgiving… just how I must be with them. And my 21 year old… well a new joy has come with her. I’ve “mothered” her all these years, we have passed most of the “rocky roads”, and have moved into being friends and confidants. I can never express how much I love these girls. How thankful I am that God chose me to be their mom. My prayer every day is that He keeps us close, and that they continue to grow into the beautiful women God has planned for them to be.

Happy Mother's Day Vanessa!
Heather has some motherly wisdom to share with us and a great family photo:
My motherly advice is just to love and cuddle them as much as possible! Just because they are boys doesn’t mean that they can’t still be cuddly little boys! I love that my boys climb up on my lap every night to watch cartoons. They are very loving and affectionate boys – full of hugs and kisses! And yet, they play with each other like they are pro-wrestlers.

A special time for us is when I am tucking them into bed at night. Every night to each one of them, I say the following (and now they say it with me J ), “Sleep tight sweet child, while the stars shine above, I love you as much as a mother can love. Good night, (insert name), I love you.”
(It’s from a book but I don’t remember which one)
Happy Mother's Day Heather!!!