I am so pleased to introduce everyone to our new Vintage Designer, Jodi!
Here is some info about her.
HI!! I'm Jodi. I'm 36 years old and live in a small town in Ohio. I have been married to my highschool sweetheart for 17 years. We have an 11 year old son who is in the 5th grade.
I work full time as a billing manager for an ophthalmologist. I have been there for 13 years. I love my job (most days). I also work hard for autism awareness. My son is autistic and was diagnosed at age 2. Believe it or not I DO have time for scrapbooking.
I started scrapbooking about 2 years ago. I made a scrapbook for my niece for her college graduation. I was HOOKED!!!!! I took a break for almost a year and just started back up this last year.
This is my first DT. I hope you all will be gentle and patient with me. LOL I am a Vintage NUT. I would rather do Vintage scrapbooking more than anything. I love to distress, distress and DISTRESS. I love to make things look old. My inks are my prized posession and I literally would die without them. I love to try new techniques and the funkier the better. I also like doing grunge LO and messier the better too!!!!
I can't wait to get to know all of you!!!
You can visit me on my blog at: http://twinkletwinklestarr.blogspot.com
I challenged her to create a lo with the theme of tattered and torn. She created this lovely layout of her MIL's parents on their wedding day. What awonderful gift!