P.S. Karel at the Flamingo blog (stop #4) will be choosing the winner after collecting comments so please leave your email address kinda like this groovydebatyahoodotcom on your comments to make life easier for her when searching out the winner. This way we can keep robots from stealing our groovy data too!
p.p.s. There is still time to complete the Dictionary Challenge for this month here on IIG for a prize too! Complete a lo using a word of the day or just open a dictionary and use the word you point to. It's fun so we hope you have fun! We Luv Ya and appreciate you coming over to play in all of the challenges we participate in as well as our own on IIG!!!
Now Let me tell you a little about my calendar. We were asked to make two pagers, leaving room for photos. I decided to cut holes in my barn door and inset tags which will hold my pics. I Stickled every apple I found to add some glitz to the paper.
We were also asked to include holidays. Since I signed up for September there are a few that stick out in my mind: My friend and sorority sister's birthday one week before my own, 9/11 to honor the fallen here in America, and World Peace Day on September 21. I added each of those and carried the embellishment of Stickles to the calendar too by using some on the important dates, Stamp Pressed my acrylic peace sign after I let me numbers dry, then covered a few weekends in September with Fall stickers to remind me it is pumpkin time in my part of the SE so I will get pumpkins BEFORE October!!! No plans on those weekends now other than that!
I am showing the few steps it took to make mine. If you envision the bottom two side by side that's how I am actually keeping them in my album as you may see in the little pic clip below :)
Thanks for coming, enjoy the hop and don't forget to spread the luv and follow for your chance at the cartridge. If you don't have a Cricut I bet you know someone who does who would love that sweet gift next Christmas. Come on and play along!
1. January and April: Celeste at Touched by a Butterfly at http://touchedbyabutterfly.blogspot.com/
2. January and September: Jessica at Overjoyed Scrapper www.overjoyedscrapper.blogspot.com
3. February: Christel at Scrappin' Sista http://onescrappinsista.blogspot.com
4. February and March: Karelj at One By One The Flamingos Are Stealing My Sanity http://karelj.blogspot.com
5. March and July: Diane at Crafting This Moment http://www.craftingthismoment.blogspot.com/
6. April: Bonnie at A Scrap Above http://ascrapabove.blogspot.com
7. May: Michelle at Peanut Butter and Jelly Designs http://peanutbutterandjellydesigns.blogspot.com/
8. May: Natalie (Groovy Chick!) at Timeless Legacy Designs http://timelesslegacydesigns.blogspot.com
9. June: Lisa at Lisa's Paper Butterflies http://lisaspaperbutterflies.blogspot.com
10. June: Jamie at Glitter, Paper, Stamps, Oh My! http://jamieisacraftymomma.blogspot.com/
11. July: Summer and Jennifer at Cricut Diaries http://cricutdiaries.blogspot.com
12. August: Denise at Starlight Scrapper http://starlightscrapper.blogspot.com
13. August: Gina at Gina Thornton Stamping http://ginathorntonstamping.blogspot.com/
14. September: If It's Groovy
15. October: Rebecca at Creations with Becka www.creationswithbecka.blogspot.com
16 . October: Lora at Notes From The Scrapbook
17. November: Belinda at Queen Bee's Musings http://www.queenbeesmusings.blogspot.com/
18. November and December : Col at Col's Creative Corner at www.scrappycol.blogspot.com
19. December: Deb at Tidbit's Place http://tidbitsplace.blogspot.com