For this month I challenge the Groovy Chicks to create layouts using postage stamps. Unusual? Maybe but some of the stamps have self stick and can make cute embellies! Then, thee are other ways to use them as well and we are about to spend the week showing you what I mean :)
Heather is up first and I know you are going to love what she has created!
When I found out our challenge this month was using postage stamps, I wanted to go along with something related to "Leaving my Mark", but instead using "Leaving my Stamp". But on what? What is something that I do or that I am involved in that people will remember in years to come . . . something that says "She left her mark here."? I struggled and struggled with this.
One thing that I really enjoy doing is coaching t-ball. This is my 2nd year and I just love those kiddos! We may not be that great, but hey, our kids are 4-7 years old and they are learning the basics. And the parents LOVE me because I like to run the kids (& they all love to run) so it ensures they are tired when they go home after a practice or game! But most importantly, I like to have fun with the kids! It's all about the sportsmanship!! We do exercises and I let different kids lead and we yell when we count! I chase them around the bases, normally as many times as they like! That seems to be their favorite thing to do. I want to make sure they are having a good time and that everyone gets a chance to participate.
I used postage stamps that have actually been used around my layout for a border. I then stamped the stars that run along the top of the patterened paper and highlighted with a white pen. The "Children At Play" is a stamp from Raisin Boat stamps (check them out at I then added some punched stars and buttons. I doodled around the stars and the picture to pull the focus into the pic and make the stars stand out. The journaling says "Leaving my STAMP on the life of a child. I loved coaching my t-ball team!"
Who knows, I may have the next Derek Jeter or Alex Rodriguez or Andy Pettite on my team (yes, I am a Yankees fan). . . but for now, it's all about having a good time while learning the basics!! Maybe they will remember me when they are making their millions on the field! hehe