I love that we have the blessing of talented Christian women on the design team here at If It's Groovy. Let me share with you a layout from Vanessa today and what she has to say about her awesome project!
I have always loved scripture. My family life, my youth, my young adult hood, and now my own family is lead and directed by the Word of God. Even in my "wild and woolie" days... in times of trouble or distress scriptures I learned as a child would be of comfort.
I am also a quote person.... I love to look up quotes on different subjects. And when I read books I write a lot of things down. I have journal upon journal filled with quotes and saying and then my thoughts on them.
In this LO, I am using what many people call a "life verse". You may have a "life quote". Basically it is words that upon any and every situation in your life... it brings your comfort, gives you meaning, and assures you that it will be ok. It sums up who you are and what you are about.
For me it is the 121st Psalm. There is also a recording by the Brooklyn Tabernacle choir of this scripture.. find it on YouTube... it's amazing!
I challenge you, to think about what your Life Verse/Quote would be and to create a LO for it. You can use a photo or not. I chose not to use a photo, but just to focus on the verse. I think I may frame this one and keep in in my view in my home! Join me, won't you?